What can I expect from my first office visit?
A Free No obligation Consultation.
During your consultation you will learn about hypnotism and all your questions will be answered. Your interests and desires will be discussed and your goals defined.
Art will do an assessment whereby your hypnotizability and the potential for achieving your goals will be determined. He will teach you self-hypnosis so you will have this incredible tool to reinforce the work that we’ve done together. You will then be able to use self-hypnosis to achieve any future goals or conquer challenges for the rest of your life.
Just what is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state in which the conscious mind is distracted or preoccupied, allowing a crafted positive statement or suggestion to bypass your conscious thoughts and access your subconscious mind.
We can be in a hypnotic state at various times throughout the day, as it is a perfectly natural state for humans. Have you ever daydreamed about a beautiful vacation spot, visualized being there, and then realized, briefly, that you lost track of time? Did it feel like you were really there for a moment?
Have you ever driven a car on a familiar route only to find yourself suddenly at your destination and realizing you weren’t paying attention to each turn or maneuver of the wheel? Who or what was driving the car?
With hypnotherapy, Art works with you to focus your concentration through visualization to help you to overcome personal obstacles, achieve your goals, and to feel better.
Do you know?
While Hollywood has had a lot of fun depicting people in hypnosis doing silly things, in reality it is a serious modality for helping people improve their lives. It has been used to help people through surgery who cannot be put under anesthesia, and for seriously ill people to manage pain.
Art has worked with sales people for motivation, children to enhance school and sports performance, professionals for public speaking, age regression for people with fears, weight management, and just about every situation people might need help with.
How does it work?
The subconscious mind receives and retains all the messages we receive from our backgrounds, whether genetic, social, religious or experiential, plus all the conflicts (little or big) that enter our lives daily. When, for whatever reason, the conscious mind (which deals with everyday living, logic, reason, etc.) becomes overloaded, stressed, or startled, the subconscious prepares us for what is considered appropriate action (usually fight or flight). However, the subconscious mind does not analyze, as does the conscious mind, but hears all messages in the literal sense.
In essence, hypnosis is a means of communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Many human problems, habits, stresses, anxieties, attitudes or apparent deficiencies can be traced to interpretations by the subconscious mind which, when understood by the conscious mind, can reduce or resolve specific problems.
The subconscious is also the seat of all memory. Traumatic events can be buried or suppressed in the subconscious. A major benefit of hypnotherapy is its ability to uncover and bring into the light of understanding the buried information or experience which may be the cause of a troublesome issue.
Nothing changes until you change your mind!
Why you need a doctor’s referral in some instances.
Hypnosis and its uses in the practice of Hypnotherapy is rapidly emerging as a highly effective science in solving people’s problems. It can be beneficial in many cases as a therapy in itself and is a valuable adjunct in psychotherapy, psychiatry, and medical care.
In 1996 a National Institutes of Health panel judged that hypnosis might help alleviate pain from

cancer and other chronic conditions. One study found it superior to morphine. Other clinical studies have shown it helps with the acute pain of severe burns. A recent study in the Lancet found that patients hypnotized for minor surgical procedures needed less pain medication and experienced less anxiety than an unhypnotized group. Hypnosis has been used to cure phobias, such as fear of flying . . .
University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter.
If Art feels it’s necessary, or if you’ve been diagnosed with a specific medical or emotional condition, a professional referral may be required. This can be by prescription or a brief note by your doctor on his or her letterhead.
If your location of residence or your circumstances prohibit you from coming in for an appointment, an in-depth telephone consultation can be arranged followed by a hypnosis session and then a custom hypnosis recording made specifically for you and your detailed goals.
Nothing is left to guesswork or chance. The trance depth of your session will be tracked electronically so that you are the one that determines the success of your session. Whatever your goal or challenge, you’ll be able to see your progress in very absolute detail on the computer monitor.
Art created the gauge that determines trance depth, and then trained hypnotists around the world in this unique procedure. See the picture above.